This love story began in Winona, and Winona served as the backdrop, the beautiful backdrop, where these two would take the next steps in their journey. I thoroughly enjoyed the road trip from the Cities to the wedding as the ride and the view were quite pleasant and beautiful, much like Tera and Ryan’s day.
We started our day at the hotel where the women closest to Tera filled the room, each with broad smiles. Tera’s face matched theirs until the moment came to don the dress. Then her smile beamed off the charts. Meanwhile, in another room, the 6’10” Winona Warrior forward played it cool as he waited for his first look with his bride. He didn’t seem fazed, but I could tell his level of anticipation rose as the time grew near. As soon as Tera walked down the aisle and met Ryan, the rest of the day followed the game plan flawlessly. Thanks for including me in on the fun!